Hey there!

Hi! I’m Mary – mother, daughter, wife, reader, knitter, avid student of life, morning kitchen dancer, yogi, car singer, ocean lover, friend, goofy pun artist, behavior analyst, coach, cat lover … and recovering perfectionist. Yup. All of it – and more.

Things I love:

Flowers – oh, how I love flowers!

The color pink. And purple. And teal!

Learning and researching new things that inspire me

Speaking about things that are important to me. In front of groups (yup, I’m one of THOSE people!)

Quiet evenings with my husband and son (okay, most evenings with my husband and son - quiet or not)

The unexpected scent of the ocean mingled with falling snow (and the salt air scent anytime, really)

Meeting new people and seeing, really seeing, their always present beauty and radiance shine through

My silly, vocal cat

A very particular vanilla perfume…mmmmmmmm…

Practicing meditation and mindful self-compassion

Yummy, healthy food

The simple beauty of a purple, pink, and orange sunset – WOW!

A really hot bath on a cold winter day

Icicles on granite outcroppings along the highway – seriously stunning!

Cake (ok, and cookies)

Reading a book on a warm spring day with a gentle breeze blowing

Dancing wildly to the music of the 80s and 90s

Restorative yoga

Luscious, merino wool yarn miraculously turning into hats and cowls

Hello Kitty (yup - I even have a sadly faded Hello Kitty bumper sticker)

Of course, this in not a comprehensive list, but perhaps you have some sense of me now. I wonder what you might list as things that you love if you simply closed your eyes and feel into what brings you a moment of joy. Go ahead and try it…I’ll wait…

********** Cue Jeopardy Music Here********

It’s taken me many years to really own the things that I love - To allow myself to feel into those moments without the constant tug of feeling like I ought to be doing something else, being productive, GETTING SHIT DONE! I mastered the art of “shoulding” on myself – and am now unlearning, unwinding, and uninstalling those thought patterns to allow more joyful inspiration in my life, my work, and my relationships – a re-education of sorts, a process I like to think of as “recovering perfectionist.”  And, ironically, while it may seem that softening the “shoulding” would turn me into a lazy, uninspired couch potato, I’ve found the opposite to be true. I’m more vibrant, … and the near constant anxiety of unconsciously trying to avoid mistakes (imperfection) no longer grips and controls me.

This process of learning to work with my own inner critic, the one who relentlessly pushes me (all of us, really) toward perfection – or perhaps more accurately constantly steering us away from what it believes will be mistakes, risks, or other horrors of being imperfect – brought me to this place. I’m passionate about working with others to explore those thought patterns and unwind them so that you can live a life that you love. A life that feels authentic, real, and meaningful – and allows that beauty, radiance, and magnificence already present within you to shine through.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “YES!!! I want THAT!” I’d love to talk with you more about how I might support you in this process and how we might partner to bring more ease and joy into your life. Pop on over to my calendar and schedule your very own Discovery session - it’s my gift to you, with no strings attached. What’s the best that could happen?

Mary Veerkamp